Package.htmlTEXTStMl ‡>≥{Æ≥{ÆÅʼnö CrystalMaker Online Help

Power Features

The Definitive Package...

When you purchase CrystalMaker you get more than just a software licence: a beautifully-presented comprehensive User's Guide, a value-packed CD-ROM and free technical support!

De Luxe Printed & Bound User's Guide

Something you don't see very often these days - a beautifully-produced, lavishly-illustrated 240-page manual. Includes a step-by-step tutorial, detailed description of the program's features, examples, menu reference, and handy tips on getting the most out of this program.

CD-ROM Edition with megabytes of value

CrystalMaker CD-ROM Edition features online help, electronic user's guide (in addition to the printed guide), CrystalDiffract powder diffraction software and multimedia extras including QuickTime and QuickTime VR object movies, official Apple QuickTime-3 installer, desktop patterns, etc.

(A floppy disc version is available as an alternative to the CD-ROM Edition; please specify when ordering.)

Free Technical Support

All registered users are entitled to free technical support, advance notification of new program developments, and may be eligible for special discounts on future program upgrades.

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